About Shola Kaye

A multi award-winning speaker, specialising in empathetic communication, leadership and D.E.I (diversity, equity & inclusion). I’m passionate about helping people share who they are and become their best selves. Whether that’s by keynote speaking at an event, delivering a masterclass or working with a leadership team, it’s what fires me up.

Workshops are the new speeches – why you should make your next speech interactive


Are you nervous about making a speech but you’d happily run a workshop? Well, the two are closer than you might think. I recently delivered a workshop on behalf of Hearst Live - think the events arm of Hearst Publishing, which owns Harper’s Bazaar, Red, Esquire, Elle and a host of other household name [...]

Workshops are the new speeches – why you should make your next speech interactive2017-12-20T20:29:40+00:00

Improve Your Public Speaking with Rhetorical Devices


  In this post I’ve listed a few of the rhetorical devices you’ll often find in speeches, poetry, and prose. It might not be your first thought to include them in your own works. Reconsider, because they can genuinely raise the quality of a talk and provide your audience with a richer experience.   [...]

Improve Your Public Speaking with Rhetorical Devices2017-10-18T15:03:53+00:00

How to build your credibility as a public speaker using seeding


Did you ever watch a speaker and grow to trust them as a result of the bits of information they subtly shared? If so, you probably saw 'seeding' in action. As a professional singer as well as a speaking coach, I like to use examples from the world of pop music, so bear with me [...]

How to build your credibility as a public speaker using seeding2017-09-25T15:42:27+00:00

Public Speaking Tips: How to handle your next Q&A session


Did you ever fluff your Q&A session, coming away from a speech thinking you could have made a better impression? It’s a good idea to conclude your talk after the Q&A rather than before. Q&A sessions can be difficult to control and it’s better for you to leave the audience with a positive final image [...]

Public Speaking Tips: How to handle your next Q&A session2017-09-14T17:51:02+00:00

Find your why and become a more authentic public speaker


How To Be A More Authentic Public Speaker - Identify Your Why One way we can become more authentic public speakers is to know and share our ‘why’. Simon Sinek’s book Start With Why puts forth the idea that people will identify with your why—your overarching mission in life—more than with your job title, goals, [...]

Find your why and become a more authentic public speaker2017-08-22T13:18:44+00:00

Know your values – how to be a more authentic public speaker


How To Be A More Authentic Public Speaker - The Importance of Knowing Your Values Our values are what drive us in life. Knowing your values as a speaker will help you become much more powerful on stage. By knowing your values you’ll be fully aware of your strengths and can use them to become [...]

Know your values – how to be a more authentic public speaker2017-08-22T13:18:44+00:00

Panel Discussions: Ten things I learned from being a Panelist at Marie Claire Future Shapers live 2017 Event


Public Speaking - Panel Discussions: Ten things I learned from being a Panelist at Marie Claire Future Shapers Live 2017 Event Have you ever taken part in a panel discussion? Maybe public speaking is the norm for you - you’re used to planning your speech carefully, practising your delivery and taking control of your [...]

Panel Discussions: Ten things I learned from being a Panelist at Marie Claire Future Shapers live 2017 Event2018-10-22T13:23:18+00:00

The persuasive power of contrast


What do the phrases below have in common? The path from sickness to health The blind woman who had the vision to do what was right One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind (maybe you've already come across this one!) Each phrase contains contrast. The inclusion of contrast is a straightforward [...]

The persuasive power of contrast2017-08-22T13:18:44+00:00

Public speaking – why you should share your business failures


In our most recent DIVA live meeting the focus was on how to INSPIRE with our speaking. In particular, we were talking about sharing failure as a route to inspiring others. The very next day, I saw this article in The Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/connect/small-business/public-speaking-tips-for-small-business-owners/ Check out point 2 about sharing failures. Please don't be afraid to [...]

Public speaking – why you should share your business failures2017-08-22T13:18:44+00:00

How personality profiling can help us


As we reach the end of the year, it's often a time for self-reflection. Time for an assessment of what went well, what could have gone better, and what to focus on in the coming year. In the last month or so I've done a bunch of self-assessment tests around personality type, values and strengths. [...]

How personality profiling can help us2017-08-22T13:18:44+00:00
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