Shola regularly keynotes at DEI summits and Inclusion events

She shares personal stories to connect with her audience as well as useful, applicable tools and insights that delegates can immediately put into practice.
Sessions are inspiring and informative with actionable takeaways.
Virtual sessions are interactive and include chat, polls and breakouts to keep everyone involved.

Her popular DEI-related speaking topics include ‘Debiasing the talent journey’, ‘Working with resistance to DEI’, ‘3 Steps to Allyship’ and ‘Inclusive Leadership’.

To find out more, drop us a line, book a call or go to Shola’s speaking page: https://sholakaye.com/speaking

A speech which has proven popular recently is:

The Art of the Ask

Unlock high performance with the power of asking 

This talk highlights the transformative impact of actively seeking what one needs, from support to opportunities, and how this can foster personal and community growth. The presentation shares real-life stories, offers practical strategies for effective asking and provides insights to help move past the fear of rejection.
The session also explores the role of questions as a way to include, empower and inspire others, spurring them to embrace greater challenges and pursue their aspirations.

Learning objectives:

  • Explore the concept of self-inclusion as a means to empower oneself and others.
  • Learn a framework for confidently requesting help, information, and opportunities, at the right time and in the right way.
  • Discover how well-placed inquiries and encouragement can inspire others to achieve their full potential.
  • Understand and tackle the psychological and social hurdles that prevent people from asking.
  • Combat the fear of rejection with Shola’s 5Rs framework.

30-60 min keynote or 2-hour workshop

Shola at Bazaar Event





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