About Aleidy Echarry

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So far Aleidy Echarry has created 77 blog entries.

FINDING SPEAKING GIGS: Should You Outsource?


PUBLIC SPEAKING: Should You Outsource your Research? Today, I'm going to share a few reasons why you might want to seek help with your research when you're looking for public speaking opportunities. Last month I spoke at a big conference for a health association here in UK. After the event I held some private [...]

FINDING SPEAKING GIGS: Should You Outsource?2018-11-14T13:11:25+00:00

Public Speaking – The importance of audience research


PUBLIC SPEAKING Why you need to DO YOUR AUDIENCE RESEARCH Today, I want to talk about something that's very important if you want your event to go right, and that's doing your audience research. I've been a professional performer for the last 15 years and 99.9% of my events go incredibly smoothly and I [...]

Public Speaking – The importance of audience research2018-11-14T13:13:59+00:00



PUBLIC SPEAKING: An Easy Way to OVERCOME FEAR Today, let's talk about how to overcome your fear of public speaking. Public speaking fear is a huge issue. There are so many different reasons why people can be afraid of getting up and speaking in front of the group. One of the reasons why people [...]

PUBLIC SPEAKING: An Easy Way to OVERCOME FEAR2018-10-23T02:13:20+00:00

Make Your Stories More Engaging


Public Speaking: How To Make Your Stories More Engaging Recently, I was asked to put together a keynote talk on confidence for a corporate women's conference. While I was reviewing my stories and polishing them up a bit, it occurred to me how important it is not only to tell stories - because we [...]

Make Your Stories More Engaging2018-10-15T20:47:23+00:00

Public Speaking Opportunities – The Importance of Follow Up


Public Speaking Opportunities: The importance of follow-up Today, I want to chat about the importance of follow-up, not only in terms of securing public speaking opportunities but also in terms of your business overall. Recently, someone in my Facebook group  asked a question about how to follow up and keep prospects warm so that somebody [...]

Public Speaking Opportunities – The Importance of Follow Up2018-10-08T11:47:49+00:00



I'm currently in sunny Mallorca, Spain, celebrating my birthday and today, I want to talk about one of the hot topics in the business world which is Storytelling. There are people out there who aren't using a really powerful story to build their business and to share who they are and win more clients. [...]

TELL YOUR STORY to BUILD YOUR BUSINESS2018-09-24T11:01:56+00:00

Create Your Own Signature System


Today's blog is all about creating your own signature system and why it’s so important for your business. It may seem like a hassle to have to fit what you do into an easy to remember framework, especially if you're reverse-engineering it...ie, you already have your process and now you have to try to [...]

Create Your Own Signature System2018-09-03T17:55:26+00:00
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