Are your leaders struggling to create an environment of support and belonging for your people?
Maybe they lack self-awareness and don’t realise that some of their behaviour is having a negative impact on the team.
Or, having been promoted because of excellent technical skills, they’re now struggling with the more human elements of being a manager.

When managers lack emotional intelligence, the impact can lead to:

  • Increased misunderstandings and diminished trust within the team

  • Ineffective communication which can spiral into unresolved conflict

  • Decreased employee morale and productivity due to lack of empathy

  • High turnover rates as employees choose to leave teams where they feel unheard and undervalued

And if you’re serious about creating a diverse and inclusive workplace, your managers need emotional intelligence to create and sustain an atmosphere of belonging. They also need the self-awareness to recognise their own intrinsic biases that might get in the way of team success.

Emotional Intelligence isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. The absence of it in management can result in tangible losses and missed opportunities.


  • Emotional Intelligence was found to be the strongest predictor of performance out of 34 essential workplace skills.
  • Emotionally Intelligent people make $29,000 more per year.
  • The demand for emotional skills will grow by 26% by 2030.
  • It is also among the 10 most in-demand skills and will be through at least 2025.
  • 75% of managers use emotional intelligence to gauge an employees’ readiness for promotion and eligibility for a raise.


The EI ACCELERATOR equips your leaders with the tools they need to succeed, helping create committed, engaged and productive teams and providing a foundation for the progress of your organisation.

The EI ACCELERATOR consists of:

  • 1

    Individual and group assessments to determine the emotional intelligence capabilities and challenges of your managers

  • 2

    Workshops to help your leaders develop the skills and self-awareness they need for success

  • 3

    Coaching, whether 1:1 or in groups, to bring about deeper understanding and behaviour change.

We have a transatlantic, culturally sensitive team of certified EI facilitators and coaches who deliver your program in-person or virtually.

We co-create the details and success measurements with you, leveraging our expertise and your unique knowledge of what works well at your organisation.

The program runs for 1-3 months and we can also deliver an in-person workshop if preferred.

  1. We start with EI assessments of your individual team members
  2. We then deliver our curriculum of tools and exercises to help participants develop self-awareness, empathy, and active listening skills.
  3. We use your assessment results to determine other areas of focus
  4. 1:1 or small group coaching may be included, if required.

Are you interested in empowering your leaders with enhanced EI capabilities that support the growth, innovation and collaboration your company needs?

Reach out for an introductory chat. 


What clients say

“Shola had been invited for a 2 day session on emotional intelligence for a group of Hi-Po managers. Emotional Intelligence being the main theme, Shola helped relook at the need to step out from roles and positions that we hold on to so dearly. A mix of consideration, humility and empathy is very essential and helps when these behaviours are a part of our daily tasks.”

– Annu Mani

HR Manager | Deloitte

“Shola delivered a top-notch remote keynote address for our Bryant University IDEA Program focused on “Elevating Empathy.” Shola was engaging, informative, and inspiring. She spoke to a group of about 900 students, faculty, and staff, and we received excellent feedback. Everyone loved her message and the practical tips she shared for how we might all learn to be more empathetic and emotionally intelligent.”

– Allison Butler

Psychology Professor | Bryant University

Access our White Paper on Empathy in the Workplace

Practical strategies to equip your leaders with the skills to transform your culture