How do I get my presentation going?

2020-08-23T13:06:00+00:00 Give your presentation momentum from the get go by starting with an attention grabber How do you get your presentation going and give it that bit of momentum so that it drives forwards and everybody has a great time? Hi, I'm Shola Kaye, and that's the question I'm going to ask or answer, should [...]

How do I get my presentation going?2020-08-23T13:06:00+00:00

How can public speaking skills improve my life?

2020-08-27T10:23:27+00:00 I used to dread public speaking and now I'm a professional speaker Hi. And how can public speaking skills improve your life? I'm Shola and I'm a professional speaking coach and a speaker. And years ago, it was a friend of mine's birthday. It was his 40th birthday, I believe and he didn't tell [...]

How can public speaking skills improve my life?2020-08-27T10:23:27+00:00
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