The post Covid 19 public speaking plan: why now is a great time to learn

2020-08-21T14:53:10+00:00 Public speaking will be an important skill post-covid Hi. Post-COVID, as we start to get back to the office, as we start to go back to normal, whatever normal is these days, is public speaking a useful skill to have? And I certainly think, yes. Public speaking will never go out of style Hi. [...]

The post Covid 19 public speaking plan: why now is a great time to learn2020-08-21T14:53:10+00:00

Can public speaking be learned?

2020-08-22T16:40:21+00:00 Speakers aren't born, they are made Can you learn public speaking? Or are there some people who were born to be speakers and others who were born to only stay away from the speaking platform because they are so atrocious and so awful? Well, thankfully the answer is that yes, you can learn public [...]

Can public speaking be learned?2020-08-22T16:40:21+00:00

Can I learn public speaking in an online course?

2020-08-22T16:48:13+00:00 Learning public speaking skills online is possible Can you learn public speaking from an online course? Good question. Hi, I'm Shola K. I'm a professional speaker trainer and also a professional speaker, and I definitely think that you can learn public speaking skills from online courses. Online classes are just as affective as in-person [...]

Can I learn public speaking in an online course?2020-08-22T16:48:13+00:00

Can public speaking cause anxiety?

2020-08-22T17:06:56+00:00 It's perfectly normal to feel anxious and concerned about public speaking Can public speaking cause anxiety? Hi, I'm Shola. I'm a speaker coach and a professional speaker. And yes, public speaking can cause you to feel anxious and concerned. And it's quite normal to be perfectly honest, especially when people are starting out. So [...]

Can public speaking cause anxiety?2020-08-22T17:06:56+00:00

What should I do when a presentation goes wrong?

2020-08-22T17:11:37+00:00 We each have a different definition of a presentation 'gone wrong' What should you do when your presentation goes wrong? Hi, I'm Shola. And first of all, let's define what we mean by wrong, because perhaps you feel things have gone wrong, but nobody else notices. So things that we can feel are tripping [...]

What should I do when a presentation goes wrong?2020-08-22T17:11:37+00:00

What’s the difference between a speech and a presentation?

2020-08-06T10:25:35+00:00 Ancient Greeks made speeches to share their ideas What is the difference between a speech and a presentation? Well, if I'm honest, these days people use the two terms interchangeably. Quite often, someone might be making a speech, and they'll call it a presentation. Or somebody might be making a presentation. They'll call it [...]

What’s the difference between a speech and a presentation?2020-08-06T10:25:35+00:00
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