Can public speaking cause anxiety?

2020-08-22T17:06:56+00:00 It's perfectly normal to feel anxious and concerned about public speaking Can public speaking cause anxiety? Hi, I'm Shola. I'm a speaker coach and a professional speaker. And yes, public speaking can cause you to feel anxious and concerned. And it's quite normal to be perfectly honest, especially when people are starting out. So [...]

Can public speaking cause anxiety?2020-08-22T17:06:56+00:00

How I’m different – STEM background

2020-08-27T10:17:18+00:00 My approach to speaking is a mix between science and the arts Hi, Shola here. This is one of several videos on what makes me different, a little bit different than the next speaker coach or the next speaker. And one of the areas of difference, I think, is the fact that I have [...]

How I’m different – STEM background2020-08-27T10:17:18+00:00
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