Why is public speaking coaching useful? A client story


https://youtu.be/HVP9t1guinM Diane Nettleton, Gaia Skincare Diane's speaking journey You may wonder why public speaking training is helpful. Here, business woman and spa owner, Diane Nettleton, of Gaia Skincare, shares why she decided to seek coaching from Shola and the effect it has had on her.

Why is public speaking coaching useful? A client story2020-08-26T11:35:07+00:00

Why are presentation skills important?


https://youtu.be/WDqBMfai5Y0 Presentation skills enable you to share your ideas with others Why are presentation skills so important? Well, if you're asking that question, I'm about to give you the answer. You're here, watching me on video, right, and right now I'm presenting to you. So if we think about right now where we are in [...]

Why are presentation skills important?2020-08-27T10:38:44+00:00
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