I coach fellas too


Pssst . . . want to know a secret?

You may have seen the word DIVA displayed around my website. But it doesn’t mean that men are excluded from my coaching.
Don’t get me wrong, I love working with women. BUT…DIVA in my business name not only refers to the DIVine woman.
D.I.V.A. is also an acronym. It stands for:

All qualities that imho a speaker should possess. Desirable traits to come across, whatever the presenter’s gender.

As a coach, I can help you with:

  • Creating a signature talk, workshop or presentation
  • Finding your own unique D.I.V.A. speaking style
  • Building your confidence so you can enjoy you time on stage
  • Telling powerful personal and client stories that draw your audience in
  • Taking a dull, dry talk and making it dynamic and enjoyable
  • Adding humour and creating energy shifts that keep your audience engaged
  • Making a powerful, inviting sales offer from the stage
  • Building your credibility throughout your talk with the right language and stories
  • Delivering real value during your presentation so your audience can’t wait to get more of you
  • Preparing mentally and physically for your speaking engagement
  • Vocal and presence exercises that ensure you make an impact
  • And much more…


The first is from accountant, Rizal. We worked together to help him win two public speaking contests by adding more humour to his performance. Below that is an Amazon.com reader review of the book How to be a DIVA at Public Speaking. Finally we have a video testimonial from a workshop I ran for Lloyds Bank.

Rizal testimonial

How can you work with me?

There are two programs, or contact me if you’re interested in something different.

A. 5 x 60 minute private coaching sessions – in person (Notting Hill Gate) or on Skype


  • Develop your D.I.V.A. speaking style
  • Tell engaging stories that set you up as the expert and attract new clients with ease
  • Create your signature talk, workshop or presentation
  • Learn how to build your credibility and make a powerful, magnetic offer
  • Develop more gravitas AND/OR become more engaging and entertaining
  • Work on your delivery so you create maximum impact
  • How to prepare mentally and physically for your next speaking opportunity
  • Help and advice with finding speaking gigs and creating a speaker page on your website
  • Work on your interview technique and elevator pitch
  • Improve your ability to think on your feet


  • Print or electronic version of the best-selling ‘How to be a DIVA at Public Speaking’ (£10) + workbook and online course


A 2-hour online 121 coaching session

  • Polish your presentation until it sparkles, using rhetorical devices, calls to action, stories and more
  • Buff up your slides with impactful images
  • Build confidence with fear-busting exercises
  • Practise and perfect your sales pitch or offer


  • Print or electronic version of the best-selling ‘How to be a DIVA at Public Speaking’ (£10) + workbook and online course