When you’re speaking on stage, people love to get an insight into your personality. Otherwise they might just as well be reading a book, right? In this article we look at how the Myers Briggs test can give you an insight into your public speaking personality and in turn, help you become a more authentic speaker. Personality types were originally theorised by the psychologist Carl Jung and later, Isabel Briggs Myers, an American researcher, added an additional dimension. This test is used in many organisations to help better understand how employees do their best work and what motivates them.

I suggest taking the test at this site and looking at your results (www.sholakaye.com/mbt).

The first time I completed the Myers-Briggs test was more than two decades ago and I found it helped explain certain behaviours and preferences I had. For example, I’m a thinker. I’m also quite an introverted person. Analysing the MB results made me see that there was nothing wrong with being a naturally quiet person with a rich life going on inside my mind. It also showed me the need for activities such as meditation, which gives my brain a rest from time to time. It stops the little mouse on the wheel that represents the steady and continuous stream of thoughts running through my head.

I love public speaking because it’s a way to share ideas, to help people learn and grow. Personally, the thrill of speaking comes from the challenge of serving the audience and explaining material in new ways that they quickly and easily understand.

If you’re a more extroverted type, your enjoyment of public speaking might come from making a connection through airing and sharing your views and from creating an emotional bond with the audience. Or maybe you love being the centre of attention!

Once you get your results, read the reports through thoroughly. Of particular interest is the Communication Style report.

Take a careful note of the “What Helps” and “What Hinders” sections.

After looking at my own report, my strategic, conceptual, and creative approach made sense to me. I saw that I’m better at talking about high-concepts and strategies than getting into too much detail.

You might be the total opposite. Perhaps you love contracts and granular detail.

Write down your communication ‘helps and hindrances’ and keep it near at hand for the next time you write a speech. It will assist you in seeing your strengths and the areas in which you might need support.


P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you improve your speaking or grow your business:

1 – Get my free guide – 5 frameworks to ace a short speech.

Create a speech stress-free and fast. Make it work every time.

2 – Connect with me on LinkedIn.

3 – Do you need a speaking workshop or communication seminar for your organisation? Get in touch.

4 – Looking for an engaging speaker for your next event? Find out more.