Why is public speaking coaching useful? A client story


https://youtu.be/HVP9t1guinM Diane Nettleton, Gaia Skincare Diane's speaking journey You may wonder why public speaking training is helpful. Here, business woman and spa owner, Diane Nettleton, of Gaia Skincare, shares why she decided to seek coaching from Shola and the effect it has had on her.

Why is public speaking coaching useful? A client story2020-08-26T11:35:07+00:00

Speaking for women in industry


Looking for a super-engaging speaker (online and off), MC or chair for your next Women in Industry or Employee Resource Group event? Shola is dedicated to advancing the progress of women in the workplace, whether with an interactive communications masterclass or a keynote speech. She shares personal stories to connect with her audience as well [...]

Speaking for women in industry2020-08-26T12:35:10+00:00

Speaker coaching for companies


IS YOUR TEAM LOW ENERGY OR LACKING IN CONFIDENCE WHEN IT COMES TO SPEAKING ON VIDEO AND AT EVENTS? What’s that costing you in terms of lack of impact, lost business and poor communication with colleagues, clients and prospects? Maybe your teams are performing poorly because information isn’t shared in a clear and timely way? [...]

Speaker coaching for companies2020-08-26T12:45:47+00:00

Keynote speaking


Award-winning speaker and author Shola Kaye MSc is an award-winning speaker and author who spent the first part of her career in IT consultancy in the U.S.A. and the U.K. Her experiences as a minority: black, female and introvert, led to an interest in learning to create inclusive workplaces with open, supportive communication. Shola went [...]

Keynote speaking2020-08-26T12:29:15+00:00

LinkedIn Learning: Energize and Engage Your Audience


Shola teaches what it takes to be an engaging presenter Learn how to be an engaging presenter — one that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats — in this course with public speaking coach Shola Kaye. Use Shola's proven tools and techniques be a more dynamic, inspiring presenter, regardless of subject matter. In [...]

LinkedIn Learning: Energize and Engage Your Audience2020-08-26T11:50:29+00:00

How to be a D.I.V.A. at Public Speaking


Shola's book In this accessible, unique and practical book, you'll learn how to be a DYNAMIC, INSPIRING, VALUABLE and AUTHENTIC presenter. You will walk away with: The four step DIVA Speaking SystemTMA step-by-step process to help you craft, remember and deliver a high quality presentationHow to prepare mentally and physically for your next talkWhere to find speaking gigs and how to keep [...]

How to be a D.I.V.A. at Public Speaking2020-08-26T11:44:07+00:00

Top 5 things that can go wrong with public speaking coaching


https://youtu.be/Cvr9Osb5WUA Sometimes things can go a bit wrong with speaker coaching Hi. In this video I'm going to talk about a few things that can go a little bit awry, a little bit wrong, when you sign up for speaker coaching. I'm Shola Kaye, I'm a professional speaker coach and also a professional speaker and [...]

Top 5 things that can go wrong with public speaking coaching2020-08-06T10:33:59+00:00

The post Covid 19 public speaking plan: why now is a great time to learn


https://youtu.be/vnX-EXM2bRY Public speaking will be an important skill post-covid Hi. Post-COVID, as we start to get back to the office, as we start to go back to normal, whatever normal is these days, is public speaking a useful skill to have? And I certainly think, yes. Public speaking will never go out of style Hi. [...]

The post Covid 19 public speaking plan: why now is a great time to learn2020-08-21T14:53:10+00:00

How do I gain public speaking confidence?


https://youtu.be/naE0h0tPq0g Confidence comes from action - find a place to practise How can you become a more confident public speaker? I'm Shola, thanks for tuning in. I'm a public speaking coach based in the UK, and I am also a professional speaker. Now how do you get more confidence as a speaker? Well, a number [...]

How do I gain public speaking confidence?2020-08-21T14:59:12+00:00

Can public speaking be learned?


https://youtu.be/gZ45CEJNplk Speakers aren't born, they are made Can you learn public speaking? Or are there some people who were born to be speakers and others who were born to only stay away from the speaking platform because they are so atrocious and so awful? Well, thankfully the answer is that yes, you can learn public [...]

Can public speaking be learned?2020-08-22T16:40:21+00:00
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