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Communication coaching for STEM & technical groups

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STEM and technical professionals may need extra help with communicating their know-how

Hi, I’m Shola. Good to meet you. Thank you for finding your way here. I work with STEM groups, with people who are technically minded, to help them become better communicators. Whether that’s speaking up at a big industry conference and making a presentation, or whether it’s collaborating better in small teams or even large teams, I can help your group with their communication skills. Typically, if you work in the STEM technical areas, you may not have had much opportunity to get speaker training in the past because you’re more reliant on your technical know how to make progress. But many organizations find that they need to promote these technically minded individuals to managerial roles or indeed they need to start sharing what they know, for example, in a developer relations role or at a technical conference. And that’s where someone like myself comes in because I can then help your people to take that technical knowledge that they know so well, and then translate it into a presentation, into a talk, into even a conversation with opinion points or perhaps even a sales meeting, to translate it into a language that nontechnical people can understand.

I’ve worked with many different clients and industries

So who I work with, typically some of my clients have been companies like Deloitte, R3 the blockchain company. I’ve worked with data companies. I’ve worked with companies that do tech for mobile advertisements, pharmaceuticals, health care, a real wide range of industries. And then it may even be that I work with particular departments, so maybe a data department within an investment bank or even a newspaper. I worked with their data department to get some information across to them. So it doesn’t necessarily have to be the tech or the STEM industry. It could just be teams that deal with complex information and need some framework, some model, some systems to actually break that down so that they can communicate freely with other departments or with clients, prospects, to get that wonderful information across that they have, but in such a way that it’s easy for others to understand.

I adapt my training to the needs of the team – I offer workshops, 1-2-1 sessions and continued learning resources

The way that I typically work, is with this group it typically tends to be a workshop, whether that’s a half a day or a full day. And in some cases it can be a workshop combined with some one-to-one or small group coaching. It really does depends upon the needs of the team. But what I do in these circumstances is I tailor my training and my coaching to the needs of the group. So we would talk beforehand about exactly what the goal is for the master class or the training. And then I would work with you to come up with the right agenda and the right teaching topics and the right frameworks for your group, so that their communication is facilitated and then I would deliver. And typically a week or a couple of weeks after that, I tend to have a followup call with you. And in that call, we have a chat to see if there’s any other resources that I can leave with you or indeed if there’s any feedback, any more models and frameworks that I perhaps could share that would facilitate the continual learning and continued improvement of your group.

I tailor my coaching and training to the specific needs of my clients

So if that sounds like the kind of challenge that you’re facing right now with your team or within your organization and you need some help, then please do let me know. If you’re looking for a more conventional speaker training, then this particular package may not be for you because it’s very tailored and it’s very specific to people in the STEM and technical world. But you can go to my home page and you’ll see there my speaker training. You’ll see a link to that and you might find that that is a bit more of the generic off the shelf solution, because that could be what your group is looking for.

Get in touch and let’s talk about how I can help

I look forward to hearing from you, though. Please do get in touch, drop me a message via the contact page and we can set up a quick call to see if I can help. Take care and good luck. Bye.

Shola Kaye is an award-winning speaker, author and professional speaker coach with clients around the world. Her work has been mentioned in Forbes, Harper’s Bazaar and on the BBC.
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*Shola no longer offers 1-2-1 coaching. Please feel free to contact us for coach recommendations.*

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