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How to be a Catalyst for Growth in the Workplace

Shola Kaye emphasizes the essential role that each individual can play in fostering an inclusive, supportive, and empowering work environment.

Transcript – How to be a Catalyst for Growth in the Workplace

There’s many ways that we can be catalysts in the workplace. It could be about listening to somebody who sometimes doesn’t get listened to. It could be about encouraging somebody. We hear encouragement is a gift, right? Hearing somebody’s idea or their plan and saying “yeah, that sounds great, go for it.” It could be giving someone more tangible support, helping them go from A to B. It could be amplifying somebody’s voice. We hear about that a lot in DEI, and I amplifying the voices of the marginalized people who perhaps don’t speak up in meetings. When I think back to myself, somebody could have said “well, Shola never speaks up, let me just chat to her and see what she wants to say.” Nobody did. No one noticed. Is there someone in your meetings who doesn’t speak up or you feel they could just need a bit of support? It could be stretching them. There might be somebody on your team who you can see they’re doing all right, but they’ve got so much potential to do more. And you say “hey, I can see you’re doing this, but why don’t you go for that? Why don’t you go for that promotion? Why don’t you go for that other role?” There’s so many ways that we can be inclusive, we can be catalysts, we can be allies at work. So I want you to think, what is your legacy? As I say, if people think back to working with you, how will they remember you? Someone who kept their head down and got on with it, or somebody who was always looking for opportunities to inspire and help other people grow.

Hi, I’m Shola and I help you create a people-first culture. My work sits at the intersection of Inclusion, Communication & Emotional Intelligence.

My keynote talks and workshops help your leaders and employees create high-performing work environments where people feel a sense of belonging and psychological safety. Sessions are high energy, interactive, and every participant walks away with at least one practical framework for connecting and collaborating more effectively.

Sound good to you? Please reach out and let’s discuss your next event! 🙂🎤✨

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