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Using Empathy to Combat Microaggressions in the Workplace

Empathy plays a crucial role in minimizing microaggressions and promoting inclusivity. By considering the feelings and perspectives of others before making comments, we can foster more empathetic conversations and prevent unintentionally offensive remarks.

The clip references an anecdotal example from a black woman who received a backhanded compliment for her speech – “Did you write that?” – from a coworker.

Transcript – Using Empathy to Combat Microaggressions in the Workplace

How can empathy help us reduce microaggressions? In this particular case, an attitude of empathy can make someone think again. So if you were to put yourself in the place of the receiver of that comment, you can then say, well, would I still have said that if someone said to me, oh, that’s brilliant. Did you do it yourself? I’d feel insulted, so I’m not going to make such an ignorant comment again. Right, so it’s really about that perspective taking that can then stop you from committing these sorts of acts like microaggressions. So this empathy could, if you insert your own identity group, that can stop you and also put yourself in their shoes. If someone had asked you that question, what would you have said? How would you have felt?

Hi, I’m Shola and I help you create a people-first culture. My work sits at the intersection of Inclusion, Communication & Emotional Intelligence.

My keynote talks and workshops help your leaders and employees create high-performing work environments where people feel a sense of belonging and psychological safety. Sessions are high energy, interactive, and every participant walks away with at least one practical framework for connecting and collaborating more effectively.

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