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Confronting Bad Behaviour: How to Call Out Inappropriate Actions

This clip explores the differences between calling out and calling in within the workplace and how these tactics can be employed to instigate change and create a more inclusive environment.

Transcript – Confronting Bad Behaviour: How to Call Out Inappropriate Actions

How do you call them out? If you see someone saying something? I have a whole session on calling out and calling in, and sometimes calling out is if, especially if it’s a boss or a manager or someone you don’t know so well, calling out can be risky in the workplace, so maybe sometimes it’s a call in, which might be being curious or saying, oh, that’s interesting. Where did you know, where did that come from? Because there then that can get a conversation going and it doesn’t cause sometimes the same offense or the same reaction as when you call someone out. But I think they’re both super powerful, calling out and calling in.

Hi, I’m Shola and I help you create a people-first culture. My work sits at the intersection of Inclusion, Communication & Emotional Intelligence.

My keynote talks and workshops help your leaders and employees create high-performing work environments where people feel a sense of belonging and psychological safety. Sessions are high energy, interactive, and every participant walks away with at least one practical framework for connecting and collaborating more effectively.

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